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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Cheesy Learns Ya Somethin’ | Your Teeth

I thought this would be the perfect time to write this considering I got a tooth extracted today due to it being broken and then getting a cavity and starting to die inside my mouth, ouch… My #2 tooth to be exact. Yep, if you didn’t know it, your teeth are numbered. Starting at the upper right side of your mouth with your “wisdom tooth” (which I no longer have, but it is still apparently commemorated by having a numbered place in my mouth!) Then it moves along the upper left then down to the lower left and finally the lower right. It doesn’t even matter that I never had all four wisdom teeth – I only had three. That tooth my mouth never experienced still gets a number.

Here’s a handy dandy chart to help explain this for all of you visual learners out there!

Photo credit:

Here are a few definitions, if you even care lol, to spare you a run to Google/(or Bing if you like free rewards just for searching!):

Mandibular: Pertaining to the mandible, which is the lower jaw bone.

Maxillary: Pertaining to the maxilla - surprise, surprise it’s the upper jaw bone.

Anterior: Toward the front (especially of the human body).

Posterior: Opposite of anterior, to the back of the body.

So, lucky number two got pulled. It is soooo lucky that it is located suuuuuper close to the maxillary sinus which you now know from my earlier defining that is the sinus inside the upper jaw. It is specifically located below the eye and down to just where the roots of the teeth begin… but what I learned today is that some people’s roots can extend into the sinus because they are missing a small section that separates them unscientifically called the “bony floor” or that bony-floor-ness can be damaged during the removal process of the tooth. I basically found this all out because my allergies suck and I had to blow my nose several hours after surgery… and there was what looked like a massive amount of blood pouring out of my right nostril which is now is a tiny flow without forcing it. Now that the numbing agents have worn off, I can also feel air in my mouth when I breath through my nose. Another possible side effect is beverages coming out of my nose when I drink which I am reeeeeally not looking forward to! Now it’s outrageously important that I follow extra “sinus precautions” which include the normal post-op precautions of not drinking with a straw, no carbonated drinks or hot food/beverages, gauze the area until it stops bleeding and change it ever hour, a soft-food diet, ice my chipmunk cheek, take the pain meds/antibiotic as directed, and to start rinsing my mouth with the prescribed rinse every 3-4 hours after 24 hours. The sinus precautions are that I cannot AT ALL blow my nose, I can only hold a tissue to it and take allergy/sinus medicine to control my drippy-ness, I must open my mouth if I must sneeze, and not to do anything that would cause pressure in my sinus cavity such as flying in pressurized planes, scuba diving, blowing up balloons, bearing down on teeth when lifting things, playing instruments that you have to use airflow for, or anything that might cause pressure in the mouth or nose. My favorite recommendation from my oral surgeon was “eat LOTS of ice cream!”

I hoped you learned at least a little something here today! I do my best to give you guys some lagniappe!

Time to eat some mac & cheese on the left side of my mouth, drink sweet tea with no straw, and follow it with pain meds and an ice pack! Have a better night than me, lol!

Kay Cheesy, out!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Poll Vol. 446 Response

Well, Karen did it again, and so shall I!

1. Which do you prefer: cool-toned red lipsticks or warm-toned red lipsticks? And do you have a particular favorite one?

I hardly EVER wear a red lip because my husband prefers pink... and well, when you have a husband as fantastic as mine - you wear what he likes! *wink wink* However, I definitely prefer a cool-toned red. My current personal favorite is F-Bomb from Urban Decay.

Photo Credit:

2. How readily do you blush?

I am from the "pale princess" tribe, therefore I blush easily. I mean, I guess you could call it blushing when my face practically turns red for every reason... eating hot or spicy food, coughing, choking, wind burn, sun burn, allergies... you name it! I'm like a walking peppermint if I'm not wearing a pretty nice-coverage foundation.

3. If you could live forever in a particular decade, which decade would you choose and why?

I would pick the 1920s for the simple fact that there was more modesty... and it was the decade between WWI and WWII. I'd be a little bit of a rebel in the fashion industry then because I prefer my hair long, but I love that women mostly kept their goods covered and left a lot to the imagination!

4. (FILL IN THE BLANK) changes everything.

A positive, inspiring, motivational, uplifting, encouraging and overall supporting and loving best friend as your spouse.

5. Wearing sequins during the day: a do or a don’t?

Do! Just not where it is going to be rubbing against your arms... like in the arm pit area. Made that painful mistake before... not pretty! Talk about chaffing! Ouch.

It is really a fun thing for me to respond to Karen's posts! Make sure you go and check her blog out here!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

That's Paquing HOT!

So, a few days ago, I was stalking my ibotta app (as normal) and I came across a rebate for $1.00 back on Paqui chips. Hmm, never heard of them! I love to try new food, so I naturally headed down the chip aisle at Walmart with my hubs and found the new item in its cute and simple packaging. My two choices at that specific Wally World store were that of a cheesy variety… and Haunted Ghost Pepper. In the season of Halloween and my instinctive nature to try and torture my sinuses for the pleasure of my taste buds, I chose the ghost pepper ones! Come on, they can’t be THAT hot, right?!


I ate one. One. ONE chip and I was dying! I ran and grabbed an ice cream cone from the freezer to sooth my screaming salivary glands. My husband heroically got through three after calling me a weenie! These suckers are insanely hot and should come with a waiver!

Now this calls for a challenge, a Paqui Challenge!! I dare you to eat as many as you can (one at a time, full chips) without a beverage or any other food! Make sure you tag me @kay_cheesy!! *I’m not legally responsible for any casualty or fatality!* 

Happy munching!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday Poll Vol. 445 Response

I recently started following @karenmbb on twitter and reading her blog. I can’t even describe the feeling I get when I see a new tweet from her that has a new article attached! It is like the same feeling I get when my favorite beauty vloggers post their monthly fave videos!  I love the way she writes – humorous and captivating all wrapped up in one quick read! When I stumbled upon today’s tweet with her Monday Poll blog (the first of which I’d ever seen), I knew I had to post a response! Karen, the idea for your Mondays is phenomenal, and I honestly want to post answers to the same questions on my blog here just as a fun new hobby! I hope you get to read it! Anywho, here goes:

1. London, Paris, LA or Tokyo?

Tokyo! I have been in the mood for delicious Asian cuisine for around a month now. Even drug my wonderfully patient husband to a Chinese food place where he sat with his Coke and watched me eat lol. He’s not a big fan of the food, but I’m lucky he’s a big fan of mine! I would love to travel to all of those places and experience them, but I would definitely start with Tokyo! Japan seems like the most unique, culturally of the four places.

2. Do you ever wear men’s fragrances?

Yep! I wear Old Spice Figi deodorant on occasion. I have worn my husband’s cologne a few times too. His Hugo Boss smells so goooooood.

3. Have you ever driven a classic car?

I literally just took to Bing to figure out how old a car has to be to be deemed “classic”… and the answer is 20-25 years old depending on what state you’re in. Well, then that’s a yes! My dad used to own a white 1976 Chevy Nova with cherry interior. I LOVED that car, especially when he put dual exhaust on it! It was throaty as fuuuuuck. Excuse the language, but NOTHING has ever sounded as good as that car! Wish I had a picture to insert, but unfortunately I don’t. He has since sold it too. Ahh, dreams.

4. Are you wearing false lashes today?

Meh. Nope. I hardly ever wear them. I haven’t quite mastered the art, and I always work so hard on my eye makeup that I never want to chance it! I mean, I didn’t spend thirty minutes blending out eyeshadow to ruin it with a misplaced strip and gooky glue!

5. Is the inside of your purse neat or messy?

Depends on what day it is! I recently cleaned it out, but before that there were about eight lipsticks, lots of coins, a ton of receipts, and of course – candy!

6. Who was the last person you held hands with?

My amazingly wonderful husband @thenastyj – ladies and gents, I’ve really found the one! I married my best friend and almost two years later we couldn’t be happier!

If you’d like to see Karen’s original post, here ya go:

Should you want to follow suit, here are the questions to copy and paste:

1. London, Paris, LA or Tokyo?
2. Do you ever wear men’s fragrances?
3. Have you ever driven a classic car?
4. Are you wearing false lashes today?
5. Is the inside of your purse neat or messy?
6. Who was the last person you held hands with?